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Table 1 Subject Characteristics.

From: Cough reflex sensitivity improves with speech language pathology management of refractory chronic cough

Subject Characteristics




Number, (M/F)

17 (8/9)


Age, years

61 (20)


Age Range, years



Cough Duration, months

60 (147)


FEV1, %predicted

88.2 (16.7)


FVC, %predicted

88.5 (20.3)


Auditory perceptual voice analysis, % abnormal



Maximum phonation time, seconds

12.8 (8.9)


Range, seconds

1 - 26


Jitter, percent

1.7 (1.6)

< 1

Range, percent

0.4 - 6.5


Harmonic to noise ratio, dB SPL

15.9 (3.8)

> 20

Range, dB SPL

10 - 24.7


Speaking fundamental frequency, Hertz

Female: 178 (20)

180 - 200 (female)

Range, Hertz

154 - 198

90-130 (male)

Range, Hertz

Male: 110 (14)97 - 133


Closed phase, percent

43.5 (6.4)


Range, percent

32 - 53

  1. Median (IQR) unless otherwise stated.